It is TIME for a REVOLUTION in the way we THINK & CREATE!
It is TIME to create JOY & EMPOWERMENT rather than PAIN & STRUGGLE!
TOGETHER we can move mountains and shift GLOBAL consciousness to LOVE rather than FEAR
JOIN me as I explore this concept.

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Aligning with my purpose

I have recently changed the name of this blog and my facebook page from 'The Goddess Gives Birth to Lynne Thorsen- Inner Sense and I would like to explain why.

This blog was my first foray into putting my words out publicly in January 2012 and at the time I thought my 'raison d'etre' (purpose or reason to be) was about empowering the innate Goddess and changing birth practices so that women could give birth in ecstasy and joy rather than pain and struggle.

Since then my purpose has evolved and become broader and while it still encompasses the above, it includes much much more. I am so grateful for this blog giving me the confidence to write for a public audience. Since I began it, I have become a published author, appearing in three of the 'Adventures in Manifesting' series and I have now finished my first book and am in the process of getting it published. I have also created my own website www.lynnethorsen.com and a monthly newsletter called Inner Sense News, which is a play on our innate knowlede or our 'Inner Sense' and our true innate state of innocence. In addition and in collaboration with my esteemed teacher and mentor, Binnie A Dansby, I have created a series of online healing programs called 'Soul Birthing'. Creating awareness about both our Inner Sense and our Innocence and facilitating people to access it for themselves has become my mission and purpose.

I realised that my unique brand is me so I have now aligned all of my products to reflect my brand and my purpose. I firmly believe in the process of co-creation, which I have experienced first hand with Binnie in the writing of our book and the creation of the Soul Birthing healing programs and workshops.

I look forward to co-creating Inner Sense and Innocence with you.

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